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× Winterzauber Apfel & Zimt 0.75 9%vol | Met und Honigwein aus dem Honighäuschen Winterzauber Apfel & Zimt 0.75 9%vol 12,49 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - In recent years, the study of the plant cell cycle has become of major interest, not only to scientists working on cell division sensu strictu , but also to scientists dealing with plant hormones, development and environmental effects on growth. The book The Plant Cell Cycle is a very timely contribution to this exploding field.Outstanding contributors reviewed, not only knowledge on the most important classes of cell cycle regulators, but also summarized the various processes in which cell cycle control plays a pivotal role.The central role of the cell cycle makes this book an absolute must for plant molecular biologists. The Plant Cell Cycle 181,89 


Zwischensumme 194,38 

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